I’m looking for stories that have a mix of two or more of these genres: horror, dark fantasy, sci-fi and slipstream, that explore original themes or traditional themes from an original perspective.
There is no specific word limit.
Strong language and appropriate sexual imagery is acceptable providing it is in context and important in developing character.
Correct grammar, including spelling (English or American English), sentence and paragraph construction and punctuation is very important unless the nature of the piece or the author’s style requires a less grammatical approach, in which case this should be specified in the covering message. I find it very tedious to correct these things!
This will be a section within the magazine that will include two or three stories in this genre.
What I’m looking for is any or all of these: fantastic, supernatural, psychological, very creepy and frightening.
Please DO NOT send slasher or extremely gory, badly written and constructed stories with no character arc. I hate these!
These can be in any style and must include contact details for the interviewee.
There is no specific word limit.
Where possible, include pictures (jpegs please) and author biographies.
This can be on any subject relevant to the content of the magazine.
There is no specific word limit.
Where possible, include pictures (jpegs please)
Please submit a portfolio (jpegs please) or website address and covering message indicating where your work has been previously published.
There will be a page of small ads. These will be text only, together with any links, and grouped into categories. Please ensure that any ads are relevant to the magazine’s material. It’s not certain yet whether the magazine will be produced electronically or just as a print magazine. There will be no charge for these. Please send to the email address below.
For an idea of the type of work I’m more likely to accept please refer to other Midnight Street Press publications.
Please include a covering message including a short biography where appropriate, to be used if your work is accepted.
Please include the following information in your covering message:
Name (and pseudonym if appropriate)
Full postal address and email address for correspondence.
Submissions should be simply formatted and sent as Word (.docx preferred) attachments or as Text wherever possible. The heading should include FICTION, DEEP HORROR, NON-FICTION, INTERVIEW, AD or ARTWORK as appropriate.
Rights required are First British Serial Rights and Electronic Rights.
Reprints will be considered but please include all previous publication information in your covering message.
No multiple submissions please.
Please submit to this email address only: HERE
I will endeavour to confirm receipt as soon as possible.
I will respond as soon as possible after a decision has been made, with a short message. Please note that I am unable to give details of why your work has been rejected.
Notifications will not be sent until after the closing date for submissions.
Please do not query the status of your submission until after this date.
PAYMENT will be made upon publication as follows:
FICTION: £40 per story regardless of length
INTERVIEWS: £60 per interview regardless of length and including accompanying illustrations or photographs.
NON-FICTION: £60 per article regardless of length and including accompanying illustrations or photographs.
ARTWORK: By negotiation depending upon amount of work accepted.
This will be FRIDAY 29 MARCH 2024.
Please ensure that these guidelines are followed completely.
Failure to do this will result in automatic rejection.
I look forward to receiving your submissions.
Trevor Denyer
Editor and Publisher
Midnight Street Press
January 2024