“An author at the height of his powers. He's every bit as good as the best you'd care to mention” -- Matt Williams, Amazon.
“Tony Richards understands the balance that must be upheld between fantasy and reality. (He) has immediately established himself as a favorite in my mind” -- Matt Molgaard, Horror Novel Reviews.
“Richards is a master at combining horror, fantasy, and humor in a way that will mesmerize readers from cover to cover”
-- Rhomylly Forbes, RT Book Reviews.
“A hell of a writer, one of today's masters of dark fiction”
-- Mario Guslandi, Horror World.
“A terrific author. A unique and eloquent voice” -- John Pelan.
“Man, this guy can write. (He) has the power to introduce you all over again to the pleasures of reading good prose” -- Ed Gorman.
“A master of the art” -- Peter Tennant, Black Static.
“An amazing voice” -- James. A. Moore.